
Our Suppliers

Good technology should be made as ethically as possible. From the suppliers we partner with to the materials used, we operate for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Dongguan Battery Cell Supplier

Supplier: Battery Cells

Why we work together: We’ve been to dozens of battery cell suppliers and this one stood out as one of the cleanest, well-run factories in the industry. Founded by a PhD Professor of Chemistry, they invest in their people as much as their technology. The safety lab and strict testing measures taken are second to none.

Production Locations:

Founded: 2003
Employees: 1,000

Dongguan Telecommunication Cable Supplier

Supplier: USB, Audio & Data Cables

Why we work together: Our cable supplier is one of the largest in Asia. They have invested in the latest technology for reliability and performance, Nimble’s cables are extremely reliable and rated for high-speed PD and QC 3.0 performance standards.

Production Locations:

Founded: 2010
Employees: 6,952

Dongguan Tooling, Plastics, Aluminum & Fabrics Supplier

Supplier: Tooling, Plastics, Aluminum & Fabrics

Production Locations:

Founded: 2008

Employees: 60


Shenzhen Electronics and Assembly House

Supplier: Assembly House

Why we work together: After our initial meeting, Eric, the owner, immediately saw what we were trying to do and has been working tirelessly to help us achieve our goals ever since. He’s been an integral part of creating the best Portable Chargers on the market using better materials in the most ethical way possible. His care for his people and the products he makes really sets him apart in a very competitive industry.

Production Locations:

Founded: 2005
Employees: 400

Dongguan Electronics and Assembly House

Supplier: Assembly House

Why we work together: While we’re probably the smallest brand working with this mega factory, they understood that the changing market meant they needed to take a bet on something different and doing business in a better way fit well within their ethos as a company.

Production Locations:
Jiang Xi

Founded: 2003
Employees: 3,100